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PTE-Pearson Test of English

PTE-Pearson Test of English

Pearson Test of English Academic is an International English Language test.The test is totally computer based categories among various modules as Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening.

An individual is marked on a scale from 10-90. This test is valid for 2 years and is accepted worldwide. At Planet Overseas you can take a free demo class and a mock test before you enroll with us.

PTE is no different and for many people that is a problem. There are many parts of PTE that can be intimidating unless you know how to handle them. People are afraid of the unknown, and the solution is to get familiar with all the “scary” aspects of the PTE exam. Take the element of surprise out of PTE and these fears will fade away.

Weekend classes also available for working professionals and students.

PTE Coaching for Professional and students

1. Dates for the test are easily available.

2. Quick and prompt result within 5 working days.

3. Easy to score 65+ or 79+ for academic or for immigration purpose.

Test Format AS follows for PTE Coaching:-

  • SPEAKING:- Speaking module will be recorded. An individual is evaluated by the computer based system on aspects i.e. oral Fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary and discourse.For Speaking we take students problems individually and solve them in one-o-one sessions.
  • WRITING:- Writing skills are evaluated on the basis of discourse, spellings, grammar, vocabulary.For Pte Writing we give you the exact pattern recommended by Pearson. Students go through n number of summary practices.
  • READING:- An individual is judged on how one solves few tricky exercises based on grammar practice, reading paragraphs, however, we will give you required tips and tricks to help you out throughout. We share various techniques on certain aspects including grammar, vocabulary etc.
  • LISTENING:- Listening is totally based on concentration on how effective an individual is able to understand various accents. It includes huge variety of exercises.

Planet Overseas provide online and offline material with different accents that one should not face any issue during exam.

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